Sunday, January 3, 2016

Keeping People Updated in the New Year

Teachers are often required to have a web page. Many will readily tell you that they are not web page designers, they are teachers. Therefore, I have found a simple way for teachers to create and update web pages.

To accomplish this, a teacher simply follows these steps
  • Open Google drive
  • Click on NEW
  • Click on Google Doc
  • Name the document
  • Type information on the page
  • Click on File
  • Click on Publish to the Web
  • Click on Publish
  • Click OK (you are sure you want to publish)
  • Screen Shot 2016-01-03 at 5.29.33 PM.png
    A screen appears with the link to send to your district’s webmaster
    • Click on the envelope icon (Gmail) and your e-mail will open where you can type in your webmaster’s e-mail address and the link will already be in the body of the e-mail for your district webmaster to create a link off of the district web page to your web page.
    • Once this link is connected, you don’t have to work with the webmaster again. Your page becomes live at that moment. All new changes will automatically appear on the published page.
  • You now have an easy way to keep parents current on all events
  • Here is a link to a sample, very simple published doc as a web page

Now, a couple of notes
  • It’s really plain. However, I believe most people just want to know current information and aren’t as concerned about the looks.
  • It does take 5 minutes sometimes to update, so be patient if you type into a document and it hasn’t appeared on your published document yet.

The first time I presented this to teachers, they were blown away that it was really that easy. Most importantly, since presenting this over 2 years ago to a group of teachers, they are still doing weekly updates on their web pages.  
Screen Shot 2016-01-03 at 5.42.42 PM.png
Many people just can’t accept the plain simplicity of the regular document, so I offer this alternative which is simply a formatted, centered table within a Google doc. The instructions to publish are the same as above, but you start with making a copy of this document.

Let me know how this works for you and I'd love to share the pages you create using this method.